التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Education and experience

Academic studies are the base of any future job, however, experience is also vital to ensure success in any field of work. I spent several years at university paying for transportation, communication bills,books,and extra educational fees to develop myself, in order to meet the labor market requirements, but then after all the hard work, I was not able to find a job in my major. I could not find a place that would ensure I get a decent living, I couldn't make money to buy bread! Sometimes, I used to work in carpentry,painting,plumming, or blacksmithing, which all required extreme hard work. Sometimes, I attended training courses that cover different subjects, in order to get some transportation fees provided by the program. Now, with the corona epidemic, I resorted to online learning, and I try to sieze opportunities on a daily basis, but this also has made my sight become worse. What's the solution? I came to realize that the first thing is to change my mindset towards my problems, I have to become less pessimistic. Also, I figured that throughout the human history, focusing on problems and how to solve them, made people come out with solutions. For example, humans inability to get from one place to another, made them think of creating carts, then cars, reaching to manufacturing airplanes.There are many projects and ideas that can help us manage our lives to become better, and this is the greatest form of management, it's the way we manage our lives to make it better for us and to our beloved ones.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

كيف تحصل على فرص من التطوع

اولا يجب عليك أن تكون نشيطا بالبحث عن اكبر فرص وأكثرها جدوى ومنفعة لك ١. يجب أن تكون متعلقة بدراستك الأكاديمية ٢.يجب أن تكون ضمن مسارك المهني ٣. يجب أن تتطور بها ٤. سوف تكتسب خبرة وعلاقات اجتماعية وعملية ٥. ستواجه منافسة عليك أن تكون رابحا والآخر رابح نظريةwin_win ٥.قانون الوفرة الفرص بمتناول الجميع ٦. قانون اثر الفراشة يعني اي جهد صغير سيؤثر بشكل كبير

Volunteering for good world

Angesichts der technologischen Zyklen und der globalen und elektronischen Globalisierung gibt es Lösungen und Wege, um die Ziele und den Erfolg des Lernens von Informatik, Technologie und Sprache zu verwirklichen, um Frieden und die Entwicklung von Gesellschaften zu schaffen